Monday, November 24, 2014

seeing the world


Today I would like to do a short and simple update on what I have been doing recently.

I have been traveling around quite a lot.

The most lively and active region of Canada.
 I love how the city is energetic but also has the calm and artsy aspect.

(When I realized, I was in this art gallery for over 4 hours. haha That's how much I liked it!)

<Niagara Falls>
Just marvelous. I was speechless when I first saw these massive falls.
It was intriguing to see the US so close from the Canada side.

French × English speaking region of Canada.
 I fell in love with the mixture of European & Canadian city.
The public art all around the city captured my heart completely.
The food was so scrumptious as well. Just thinking about the crepes I had makes my mouth water!

<Cedar Island>
Canoed to get here! My first canoeing experience!
It was more tiring than I expected, but it was totally worth it.
swimming in the lake after canoeing felt amazing.

I hiked at Frontenac twice.
One time in October when the leaves were still in pretty autumn colors, and another time on the first snow day in Canada. They were completely different experience with different beautiful views.

Although I have only been traveling around Canada so far (I live in Canada right now),
I already have a plan to go to New York and Chicago next month which I am looking forward to A LOT! I am also going to Quebec city this week, which is another European French speaking region in Canada (about 6 hours drive from my place) :)
I love traveling so much because it refreshes my mindset, plus it inspires me in various ways.
I hope I was able to give you some kind of inspiration through the pictures I took.

I will post again soon.


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Creativity Can Change the World


Many of you might have already know him, but I recently found out about this amazing artist named Jeff Hong.
 He is an animation storyboard artist currently living in NYC.

Before I explain about his works,
please take a moment to look at them.

With the title 『Unhappily Ever After』, he created images like these and posted on Tumblr.
He addressed social problems such as human rights, animal rights, and environmental issues by collaborating with the globally famous Disney.
His work gave a big impact on the viewers, especially since Disney always has a happy ending, and it is never related with negativity. 
It simply shocked the viewers and made them think about the issues once again.

....This is what I love about "art" and "creativity."
One innovative idea, or one piece of art can change many people's mindset - it can address social issues, move people's heart, and do many other things.

Some day, I hope I can also be a help to something in the world through my own creation. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

#OOTD simple in black


long time no post again...! Sorry.
I am now in Canada doing my studies abroad.
 I'll be studying here for 8months (mainly studying about film & media - exciting!!),  and I hope I can keep on sharing some kind of inspiration from here as well.
I'll probably be traveling to several different places during the 8 months so I hope I can be updating some of my travel inspirations too:)

So far, I'm enjoying my time here meeting new friends, living with great roommates, and so on.
 ...Except the amount of assignments I have to be facing. haha
But, this will not be my excuse for not blogging. 

On to the topic of the blog.
Today, I'll be posting a quick and short OOTD. 

The weather here is already starting to get cold, and the weather inspired me to wear a simple black mono-tone outfit. 

I am loving my new black hat which helps to add some elegance and feminine touch to the casual outfit.

Top: uniqulo
bottoms: AZUL
shoes: target
cardigan: Seoul Lotte young plaza 
bag: Charles and Keith
hat: h&m

Chao for today!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

accessorizing your hands


Today, I will like to introduce one of my fashion obsessions - accessorizing my hands.

These jewels are all my recent purchases in seoul which I'm loving so much.

I bought this retro looking watch because I wanted a thin-wrist band watch that could sometimes replace my chunky gold watch from marc by marc jacobs.
I love how the bracelet matches so delicately with the watch.

Since I am taking a break from painting my nails (nail polish can be quite bad for not only your nails but also your body), I am enjoying to accessorize my hands with several big and small rings.  

Accessorizing your hands and having them fashionable can be your great motivation through out the day. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

leopard = good accent piece


I am in Seoul now, and I have been doing some bits and bobs of shopping. (as usual)
and today, I would like to introduce one of my favorite fashion items I purchased recently.


how adorable are they♡haha
It's made of leather so it is very sturdy. 
The shoe is perfect, just what I was imagining in my head.
I have decided to buy this baby in less than 20 seconds when I saw it. (no joke.)

Fashion items like this one are great for adding an extra "something" to an outfit.
It will match perfectly with a simple plain outfit or a mono-tone outfit.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Design Lab





中は広すぎて、全ては回りきれなかったんだけど、お目当てだったDESIGN LABはしっかり見てきたよ。

Design Labでは、いろんなクリエイター達の作品が展示されてあったり、売られていたりしたよ。




Design Labの中には、こーんなお洒落なカフェもあったよ。

organic milk ice creamとoreo brownieを食べて、コーヒーを飲みながら芸術に触れる時間ほど幸せなことはないね;)
