Sunday, November 9, 2014

Creativity Can Change the World


Many of you might have already know him, but I recently found out about this amazing artist named Jeff Hong.
 He is an animation storyboard artist currently living in NYC.

Before I explain about his works,
please take a moment to look at them.

With the title 『Unhappily Ever After』, he created images like these and posted on Tumblr.
He addressed social problems such as human rights, animal rights, and environmental issues by collaborating with the globally famous Disney.
His work gave a big impact on the viewers, especially since Disney always has a happy ending, and it is never related with negativity. 
It simply shocked the viewers and made them think about the issues once again.

....This is what I love about "art" and "creativity."
One innovative idea, or one piece of art can change many people's mindset - it can address social issues, move people's heart, and do many other things.

Some day, I hope I can also be a help to something in the world through my own creation. 

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