Monday, January 5, 2015

New York / Chicago

New York / Chicago
Hello! and A Happy New Year!
I still cannot believe that 2014 is over. 
Hope everyone had a great holiday, and hope 2015 will be a magnificent year for all of you♡
What did I do on my holiday? That is what I am going to share in this post.
I spent my holiday in Chicago and New York with my friends.
I am super thankful for being able to travel around and do what I want to do.
Even though they are both in the States, the two cities were completely different.
Chicago - I was amazed by the many traditional×modern architectures. They were just beautiful. I was invariably looking around all the architectures like a complete stranger when walking in the street. There were also several public arts around the city which made the walk in the city even more fascinating.
New York - it was a magical city with many possibilities. Although some people were callous (not going to lie), most people seemed to be energetic filled with liveliness and hope. Since I stayed for a whole week, I was able to see and explore the different faces and atmosphere of the city  (other than the busy "timesquare image" which most people tend to have of New York) which was awesome!
So...without anymore blabbing, here are some of the pictures!
hope you find it somewhat inspiring...:)
 tiffany's dome - check out the details!! wow


from the sky deck (103d floor)
and of course, I cannot forget to show the Chicago pizza! It was scrumptious!! yum!
 central park

 from top of the rock

never forget 9.11

 view of Manhattan from Brooklyn side

 night view from the empire state

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