Wednesday, June 18, 2014

healthy morning menu


Another health related post today! Yes, as I mentioned in my previous post, I turned into a complete health geek recently.
I am constantly researching what is good for my body, and FINALLY, I think I truly understood how important it is to be ingesting clean and proper food.

Simply put, our bodies are made of what we eat. If we eat clean, our bodies will respond positively.
 Our skins will start to glow from the inside of our bodies, our immunity will improve... there are countless of good effects!

The foods we eat go to our intestine, and it isn't an exaggeration to say that our INTESTINE controls most of our health conditions.
( It especially has a strong relation with our skin conditions. )
In order to clean my intestine, and maintain it clean, I am recently drinking carrot juice and eating soy yogurt every morning. 
I can definitely feel that these two really started to change and activate my intestine in a good way. 

So in today's post, I will like to introduce these 2 menus.

carrot juice

This juice consists of 2 whole carrots, half an apple, and 1/4 lemon.
The abundant enzyme in the carrots and apple will help boost up the metabolic system and digestive function. It can greatly help to digest all the food you are going to eat later in the day. Moreover, the vitamin in the lemon will help to clear out skin problems.

soy yogurt
Yogurt consists a lot of lactic acid bacteria. The bacteria will help to increase the good bacteria in our intestine and clear out the bad bacteria. I feel "soy" is better than regular yogurt for it is plant-derived, and there are many controversies said about the animal-derived foods. 
In my house, we make our own soy yogurt using a particular yogurt making machine in order to increase more lactic acid bacteria than the ones sold at stores. I add orange peel jam to add sweetness.
そして、私の家ではヨーグルトメーカーを使ってヨーグルトを作っています!笑 その方が市販のものより乳酸菌を増やせるんです!ゆずジャムと合わせて食べています。

By the way, it is better to eat yogurt after ingesting something beforehand for it can absorb more lactic acid bacteria than during empty belly time.

So, these are my recent must-have menus in the morning.
I hope this inspired you in some ways.
You can get so many diverse inspirations from blogs, youtube, TV, books, etc these days.
I'll leave the link to my top 2 favorite inspirational people:)

Nylon blogger: miho (
she makes so many inspirational blog posts, and I'm especially loving the health related posts she does recently.

Youtuber: anniejaffery (
she is very concerned about healthy lifestyles. She eats raw, uses organic items....her videos are just amazing. 


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