Sunday, June 21, 2015

#LIFESTYLE let's feel good from the inside.


I'm going to get right on topic, and say this very directly...
I gained weight!!! Yes, I did. 

Having stayed in Canada for almost one year drinking and eating out a lot, 
I did realize that I gained quite some weight, BUT, I didn't actually weigh myself. 

And today, for some reason, I randomly and gingerly weighed myself and WHAT A SHOCK!
I was incredulous when I first saw

Summer is right around the corner, and I should start working out, and tone up.

I'm not trying to get fit so that I can look like models, or anything like that.
I want to wear what I want to wear, in the RIGHT way. That's the only reason.

Restricting what you want to drink and eat is unhealthy mentally and physically.
I can never do that. I love eating and drinking with people.
EXERCISING is the healthiest way  not only to get fit, but also to feel good and positive from the inside.

Thinking back, I haven't been exercising enough the past few years!! omg

Motivation is the key to continue exercising.
Get your favorite gym wear, make a goal with  your friends, follow a fitness account on instagram...find your OWN motivation.

Let's feel good from the inside and wear what we want to wear...♡

my motivation. New NIKE shoes. obsessed.

before going to yoga class today.
(find your favorite type of exercize.)

one of my favorite socks. SUPERMAN!!

chao until the next post :)!

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