Tuesday, December 22, 2015

favorite films

Hello Hello.

Today's post will be about "films."
Growing up, I have always loved films, but my love for them got a lot bigger after I have majored in media and took film classes in Canada.

Films give you so many inspirations. It excites my creativity, and some films can be real feast for the eyes. Even if I had a rough day, I can feel great satisfaction just by watching a good film before I tuck in bed.

Recently, I'm watching films even more than I do usually. I watch one almost everyday.  Yep, I know, a bit too much. haha

So today, I would like to introduce you to some of my recent favorite watches.
I will not go into explaining the summary of each film because it's everywhere on the Internet, and plus, I might spoil the fun. I will just briefly write why I liked watching it.

Hope you Enjoy :)

①BIG FISH / ビッグフィッシュ
I loved how the film naturally incorporated a fantasy aspect into the story.
I found myself being hooked to the film more and more as the story went on.
And the flower scene you see in the picture....aww so cinematographic!

②Any Day Now / チョコレートドーナッツ
A very moving story that will definitely make you think of something.
I cannot believe that the film was based on a true story, and it made me question why people unconsciously believe in one "correct" form of love.

③Lee Daniels' The Butler / 大統領の執事の涙
Although I had already learned about the history of black people fighting for their rights, I feel this film helped me understand about it a lot more. The frustration, resignation, and so many other complex emotions of the main character was depicted very well in the film. 

③IRIS / アイリスアプフェル94歳のニューヨーカー
The flamboyantly dressed 93-year-old Iris reminded me of how much power fashion can give us. 
My favorite quote from her is..."dressing, and indeed life, is nothing but an experiment."  

③Bill Cunningham New York / ビル・カニンガム&ニューヨーク
I have to say I have never seen someone working this happily and excitedly. 
I was amazed by his passion and powerful eagerness to spread inspiration to the world.
 I feel he was born to inspire people with fashion and photography.

③Coffee and Cigarettes / コーヒーとシガレット

This film might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I loved it. 
I just have this weird love for black and white films, and also films with quibbling lines.

That's a wrap for today! 
I hope I was able to give you  a good suggestion of something to watch this weekend :)


Thursday, September 17, 2015

#OOTD black and white

The other day, I went to Taiwan for 4 days. The food was scrumptious, all the historical buildings were beautiful in bright colors, and I had a lot of fun. I vlogged my trip so check it out if you are interested! →https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiAoTtpufEw 

This is the outfit I was wearing in one of the days. The black maxi dress was very comfortable plus breathable - very important when traveling! I topped the outfit off with a big hat from H&M, which not only was a great fashion piece but also a great protector from the sun.

dress : night market @ Taiwan
cardigan : Seoul
bag : charles&keith
sandal : Free Fish
hat : H&M

Monday, July 27, 2015

#OOTD just throw on lace

Another super casual outfit I wore the other day to school.
This bottom I am wearing is my most recent purchase. It was way more expensive than what I imagined it would be, but it is worth it! Very comfortable, perfectly washed color, and it matches with every outfit! I will be wearing it a lot.

I topped off the outfit with this elegant lace cardigan, and voila! It makes an outfit a lot more put together than just a tank top and jeans. 

tanktop : Uniqlo
bottom ; Le Melange
cardigan : Seoul
bag : PRADA
Necklace : ??
piercing : Seoul botique shop
sandal : Free Fish

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

#OOTD school days

Finally Japan is out of the rainy season, and summer has come! Although I want to do BBQ, go to the beach, etc right this moment, I am right in the middle of handing in my final reports and doing final tests...
Recently, I am overwhelmed with all the tasks I have to do but I will be done with them in about a week!! Hope I can post a lot more then. Here is a quick casual/ super comfy outfit I wore the other day.

top : untitled
bottom : AZUL by moussy
cardigan : Seoul
shoes: Free Fish
foot nail : CHANEL #7901
hand nail : spear by OPI "Techno girl"
necklace : tiffany & co

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

#BEAUTY Panasonic まつげくるん (セパレートコーム) EH-SE50P-P

Today, I will like to show you my recent favorite makeup (beauty?) product.

『Panasonic まつげくるん(セパレートコーム)EH-SE50P-P』

My friend recommended this hot eyelash curler to me, so I gave it a try.
...and I love it!

My eyelashes are super straight naturally, so I used to get my eyelashes curled professionally. 
But now that I got this, I don't need to go any more. It is that good!

It was less than 3000 yen (about $30), so it is definitely cheaper than having it done professionally every month.

There are 2 color choices -  white×cream / pink×black.
I chose the vivid color combination!

I was skeptical at first, but I'm glad I gave it a try :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

#OOTD rainy days

It's raining every day here in Japan. It doesn't feel like summer at all!
 Continuous rainy days can be depressing, but I always try to cheer myself up by wearing my favorite clothes. Today, I wore my new frenchies shirt!! how cute is this!! agh I'm obsessed. lol 
For shoes, I wore these navy retro-looking shoes, perfect for a rainy day.

shirt - h&m
bottom - DKNY jeans
gray cardigan - seoul
shoes - seoul
bag - prada

Monday, July 6, 2015

#OOTD feeling Japanese

The other day, there was a summer festival at my school, and I wore "yakuta."
Yukata is something like this, and a lot of Japanese people where it to summer festivals and watch fireworks. Yakuta, summer festival, and fireworks...there are something about Japanese summer that is romantic, and I love it:)
Hope I can go to several different festivals this summer!